Ahoy all! GASP! Looks like everything mermaid said was true… poor Cornelius (Also, old Cornelius sketch I’ve always wanted to share but it was a spoiler up at the voting link~)
Ahoy all! GASP! Looks like everything mermaid said was true… poor Cornelius (Also, old Cornelius sketch I’ve always wanted to share but it was a spoiler up at the voting link~)
Oh MAN it’s double post time!!! And mermaid time… I hope you guys like this page even though it’s super sad…
Ahoy all! Second week of SAD mermaid backstory as we head towards the end of volume 3! Poor mermaid… 🙁 It feels so liberating to have the ‘cat out of the bag’ on one of the main plot points I’ve […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ahoy! Sorry for the delay, I seem to have caught another cold… blerg I’m having bad luck with disease this season! Shiz is getting real…
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